When you put users first, everything else follows

David Demaree
B&L founder David Demaree presents at Web Directions Product 2019

Bits & Letters is a design & engineering studio founded by David Demaree, a tech industry heavyweight with over 20 years of experience shaping the digital landscape while working with some of tech’s biggest names.

Your web presence is more than just a one-off project

What makes Bits & Letters different from other web development studios? We plan and build sites that will work for you and your business long after we’ve handed over the keys. Of course we’re happy to help maintain your online presence for as long as you’ll have us, but we also want to make sure you have the knowledge and tools to keep your site running smoothly on its own.

Here’s how we think about it:

Plan it right

Every website has a job to do. We start by sitting down with you (virtually, sometimes in person) to figure out what that is and sketch out a plan for how to make sure that job is done — whether it’s generating leads, selling a product, or just being a place for people to find you — not just on day one, but long after you’ve stopped paying us.

Build it well

We’re not afraid of a little complexity (but we’ve been around enough to know how to avoid it when possible). Our site builds are based on some basic principles:

  1. Effortless reliability, security, and performance
  2. Easy, straightforward maintainability
  3. Tech choices that won’t wake you up at night

Of course, as the Shakers said, once something is well-made and useful, it doesn’t hurt to make it beautiful. Our designers and engineers are masters of the modern web toolkit, and experts at delivering great experiences that are also robust and reliable.

Look after it like it was our own

We’ve rarely seen businesses fail because their website was ugly. But we have seen them fail when the site was slow, buggy, insecure, or offline. Not to belabor the point, but when choosing a web development studio you should pick one that will give you not just a pile of code and images, but a reliable online presence that will work for you long after the project is finished.

Our commitment to delivering great online experiences starts during the planning and building process. We’ll ask you how you plan to update and maintain the site after launch, and base our technology choices on what will work best for you in the long run, not just from a technical perspective, but in terms of usability and enabling hassle-free, self-serve site management.

Set you up for success

At launch time, we’ll train you and your team how to use the site management tools we’ve chosen, and we’ll provide you with the support you need to keep the site running smoothly over the initial post-launch period. Overall, we plan to stay fully engaged with your project for at least 30 days after launch to make sure you have the support you need, then ramp down our involvement over the next 30 days as you get more comfortable with your new site.

Of course, if you want us to continue maintaining the site for you after the initial launch period, we’d be happy to do so for a reasonable monthly fee. We want you to feel like we’re your favorite digital partners, not just another vendor you hire to do a job.

Ready to elevate your web game?

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